For 12 cupcakes:  
50g roasted, skinned & pulverised Hazelnuts
100g self raising flour
25g cocoa powder
125g caster sugar
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
140g unsalted butter, soft
2 large free-range eggs
1.5 tbs whole milk
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

For the buttercream: 
100g unsalted butter, soft
150g Nutella
225g icing sugar, sifted
3-4 tbsp whole milk


Blend the hazelnuts until they reach a crumb consistency and add to the mixer bowl.
Following that, sieve the flour, cocoa powder, caster sugar, bicarbonate of soda and salt,
all at the same time. To finish, add the butter and eggs to the bowl and beat the mixture
for about 30secs - 1 min on medium speed then add milk and vanilla extract and beat for
another minute. Fill the cupcake cases equally using a tablespoon or an ice cream scoop
and heat them up at 170C for 20-22 mins. To make the topping, simply beat the butter and the Nutella in the mixer on high speed for
about 4-5 minutes. It should look very uniform and creamy. Stop the mixer to add the sifted
icing sugar. Don’t add it all in one go. Add half and mix for a bit before adding the rest of the
sugar and beating once again until the buttercream is done. Spread Nutella into the piping bag before adding the buttercream so that it creates a
delicious Nutella swirl when you pipe it onto your cupcake. If you find buttercream too sweet, I’d recommend doing the Swiss meringue buttercream. You can find the recipe here. Add 75g of slightly warmed Nutella to it.

My Personal Score: 8/10